a street with houses
sparrow title

An experience written and performed by Vincent D’Onofrio with art and animation by Laurence Fuller and Sutu

This experience can be viewed in AR, VR and desktop.

sparrow cube

AR Controls

Swipe cube with one finger to rotate

swipe to rotate

Pinch cube with two fingers to scale

pinch to scale

VR Controls

Grab cube with one trigger to rotate

swipe to rotate

Grab cube with two triggers to scale

pinch to scale

sparrow cube image

A sparrow flies into a window and the world stops for a moment. A beautiful stranger approaches and his world changes that day. As the case of money and a shovel rattle in the boot, he figures out his next move.

What stories take shape in your dreams, we don't know until we let them out, give them life and see.

This noir thriller took shape like expressionistic cinema. The prose written and performed by Vincent D'Onofrio (with a cameo from Laurence), poetic storytelling in collaboration with Laurence Fuller's AI cinematics and Sutu's 3D AR innovations.

"Since I was a boy, I have dreamed of stepping inside a painting and living out an adventure. Collaborating with Vincent and Sutu on Sparrow, I wonder if we are on the verge of an evolution in storytelling." - Laurence Fuller

sparrow cube image

"Our filmic pieces of poetry have become source of expression for us. To take the written word and the world of landscapes and portraits of the human experience and combine them to make these filmic pieces is nothing but sheer joy."

- Vincent D'Onofrio